WhatsApp is developing a new video notes feature that will allow users to record videos and send them to multiple contacts. This feature will be different from the existing video note functionality. It is currently available to a small set of beta users. Here are the details.
WhatsApp Video Notes Feature in beta
WABetaInfo has reported that the latest beta version, of WhatsApp for Android, includes a new update to the video note feature. The new video note feature can be used to quickly record a video byte and send it to one or more contacts.
The feature eliminated the need to press and hold the video record button, the existing method of sending a video note to a contact.
Video notes will be accessible in the camera section adjacent to the Photo and Video modes. WhatsApp users will soon be able to record videos with a single tap directly from the app and share them across multiple conversations. Previously, users were required to record videos from the native camera app on their phones for this functionality.
However, the video notes feature is only available in the Android beta version. It has yet to arrive on WhatsApp beta for iOS and even the desktop version. We expect it to be widely available in the beta program over the next few weeks.
In related news, WhatsApp is also working to introduce new generative AI features. The app recently introduced Meta AI in India, where users can ask any questions to the AI chatbot. The service is similar to ChatGPT and Gemini. WhatsApp is also working on AI-generated images that users can use as avatars and profile pictures.
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