WhatsApp users all over the world are not able to share videos in individual chats or group chats. Several users on Reddit have complained regarding the latest bug, which limits video sharing for users. However, WhatsApp has released an update to fix this. Here are the details.
WhatsApp Video Sharing Bug on Android Devices
A Reddit thread has confirmed that the video-sharing bug is currently limited to Android smartphones. The users trying to send the video will be greeted with a “Can’t Send this Video. Choose a different video and try again.” error message. The error will not pop up when users try sending any other file type, including photos.
9to5Google has reported that the WhatsApp video bug persists only for videos locally stored on the Android smartphone, including videos shot on their respective devices. The issue is also experienced by the users for the videos downloaded from other social media apps, including Instagram.
The issue doesn’t persist when Android smartphone users forward the videos received from any other WhatsApp user. Users on Reddit have confirmed that downgrading WhatsApp will solve the issue temporarily. Android encountering the issue can downgrade the WhatsApp application to the or version numbers. The APKs of the application can be downloaded from Apkmirror or other trusted third-party websites.
It is also revealed that WhatsApp has released an update,, which fixes the problem and will allow people to easily share videos with others again. If you are facing issues while sharing videos on WhatsApp, you can check for the update on the Google Play Store.
The post New WhatsApp Bug Limits Video Sharing for Android Users; Fix On the Way appeared first on MySmartPrice.