Snapchat has announced a significant design overhaul, the first in many years. The company has also introduced several new AI features to its dossier, including a new old-age lens and an AI memories feature. Let’s take a look at everything Snapchat announced.
Snapchat Undergoes a Major Design Change
The company has dubbed the new design overhaul “Simple Snapchat.” The old Snapchat UI comprised five primary tabs: Snap Map, Chats, Camera, Stories, and Spotlight.
Now, the Snap Map and Stories will be in a new Messaging tab, along with Chats. The new interface will offer an uncluttered look with three tabs – Chat, Camera, and For You. The app will continue to show the Camera tab when launched.
On the left is the Chat tab, where users will find all their private chats. Stories are on top, and Snap Map is a button at the bottom of this tab. The For You section is on the right of the Camera tab, where users will find Stories and Spotlight videos.
Snapchat claims the For You tab uses a brand-new unified recommendation system that shows videos from friends on priority and then personalised recommendations. Snapchat is testing the new interface, which should be rolled out to all users in the coming days.
Snapchat AI Lens and Memories Announced
Snapchat announced GenAI-based custom AR lens recently with a custom lens. Now, the company has added yet another AI lens called Grandparents lens, which will show users a glimpse of what they will look like in their old age. This lens can be accessed from the camera tab in the app.
There’s a new AI Memories feature, which can be accessed through a swipe-up gesture from the Camera tab. Users can view Memories in fullscreen with collages and video mashups of favourites. Snapchat has announced that the Snap AI will be a personal creative director for Snapchat+ subscribers. It will add captions, relevant lenses, and more to Memories to give a creative flair.
Snapchat+ users will also see new AI Snaps to share with friends. The AI Snaps will be based on a new feature called My Selfie, which users can use to create a Snap AI identity through AI-generated images.
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