WhatsApp is testing a new feature, which will restrict accounts from sending spam messages. The Meta-owned messaging app has seen an uptick in spam and bulk messaging from business and marketing numbers, which can be annoying. This feature can help curb the spread of spam. Here are the details.
WhatsApp Accounts Will Automatically Get Restricted
According to WABetaInfo, the feature to restrict spammy WhatsApp accounts was spotted in the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update.
As you can see in the screenshot above, the app will inform users when their account is restricted with a warning banner. When restricted, users won’t be able to send new messages or start new chats. However, users can still get messages in existing chats or groups and even reply to those messages.
This shows the platform’s intention to let users correct their behaviour. The feature appears better than an account ban, which can cause hassle to the users.
According to the publication, WhatsApp will use automatic tools to detect automated bulk messaging or spammy behaviour. The tool will detect if the messages use automated script or messages being sent are of high frequency. However, the content of the chats and messages will continue to remain end-to-end encrypted, which means WhatsApp will not have access to them.
The feature is in the development phase and available only to beta testers on Android. We can expect it to roll out to all users through a future update in the coming days. We will keep you posted when there’s something official, so, stay tuned.
The post WhatsApp Will Soon Start Restricting Spammy Accounts appeared first on MySmartPrice.