WhatsApp has been caught testing AR filters on beta versions once again. AR Filters is set to transform the video calling experience in WhatsApp with customisable AR filters. It has been again spotted on WhatsApp for Android beta. Here’s how it looks.
WhatsApp AR Filters Coming Soon
As per the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update, there’s a new filter button in the camera UI for users to select different filters. By the looks of it, this feature should work akin to the filters in Instagram, which also feature AR functionality.
To recall, AR filters were previously spotted for video calls on WhatsApp but are now extending to the camera section too. There will be a variety of filters available, placed side by side, much like the filters in Instagram and Messenger. This will also include “skin-smoothing options” to hide blemishes.
WhatsApp is adding a background feature to the Camera UI. This feature will blur or change the background. It was previously available only on WhatsApp video calls. There will also be an option to adjust lighting with modes like the low-light mode to brighten up a dark environment.
While this is currently being tested for Android beta testers, it can soon reach iOS too. To recall, WhatsApp was caught testing the same features on WhatsApp for iOS beta last month.
However, there’s no word on when this will be available for all users. This could happen soon but we will have to wait for an official announcement. We will keep you posted once more information is available, so, stay tuned.
The post WhatsApp Testing AR Filters on Android: Check Details appeared first on MySmartPrice.