WhatsApp Web will soon offer chat filters and custom lists. Notably, the Meta-owned instant messaging platform introduced custom chat lists to organise conversations on its mobile platform better. According to WABetaInfo, the company is now testing the feature on its web client. This will allow WhatsApp users to seamlessly access their custom lists and filters on any device.
WhatsApp Custom Chat Lists and Filters Coming Soon To Web Client
The popular WhatsApp tracking website has spotted the newest feature in the latest beta update of the web client. According to the report, the new feature will sync all lists created on the mobile app with WhatsApp web.
This move is intended to offer a consistent and unified instant messaging experience to users across both platforms. The report also mentions that the Favourites list, which groups all contacts marked favourite by users, is also under testing and will be available in a future update.
According to the report, the new feature will sync all chat filters and lists between the mobile app and web client and allow users to create new lists on the WhatsApp web client. The chat lists created on the web client will be synced to the mobile app.
This seamless sync between both platforms is ideal for frequently switching between devices. For example, people who access WhatsApp from the web during work hours and switch to mobile at the end of the day.
For added convenience, the company will also add preset filters for business use (as you can see in the screenshot above). These include filters like Important, Follow-up, Lead, Message via ad, etc. These filters are intended to streamline business conversations based on specific business needs.
Once users create a custom list on the web or app, a filter is automatically generated for it and appears on top of the default chat home screen. Users can access important and relevant conversations with a single tap on the display. WABetaInfo reports that whether these lists are created on the web or app, they are fully encrypted and visible only to the user.
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