Microsoft has started rolling out the Recall feature on Snapdragon-powered CoPilot+ PCs. It is currently available as a preview for Windows Insider Users on the latest Windows 11 update in the Dev Channel. It also brings the ‘Click to Do’ feature. Here are the details.
Microsoft Rolls Out Recall Feature for Snapdragon Laptops
The Recall feature is rolling out as a preview in the Windows Insider Preview Build 26120.2415 (KB504723) update. It is only available on laptops and computers powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon processors. Users on the Dev Channel of the Windows Insider Program can update to the latest version to get access to the feature.
Recall serves as a time machine feature, allowing users to look back and resume any previous work session on their computer. It continuously takes screenshots of your regular usage and saves them locally on your device in an encrypted format. Using the AI capabilities of the Snapdragon chips, the Recall feature lets you access your past activities by simply describing the work which you are looking for.
The Recall feature requires users to manually opt-in for the service. It also asks for Windows Hello authentication every time a user tries to use it as a timeline to go back to previous sessions. Microsoft has assured users that the screenshots taken by Recall remain locally on the computer, and do not get shared with any third parties, not even Microsoft themselves.
The latest Windows 11 Insider Build on the Dev Channel also introduces the Click to Do feature. It uses AI to analyse your screen and accordingly show you relevant options when you use the Windows key + right-click. For example, when you right-click on text, the Click to Do feature will show options like Copy, Search the web, Send email, etc. Whereas if you do the same on an image, it will provide options like Blur Background with Photos, Erase Objects, Remove Background, and more.
Recall and Click to Do are still under Preview. The company is already running behind schedule for the rollout of both features as users and tech enthusiasts raised several privacy-related concerns despite multiple reassurances from Microsoft.
The two features are currently available only on Snapdragon-powered CoPilot PCs. Microsoft says that it will soon release them for Intel and AMD CoPilot systems. However, there’s no word for its launch in the stable version of Windows 11.
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