Google’s Pixel 9 series, despite the anticipation of Android 15, launched with Android 14. So far, the search giant has not specified an official release date for the latest Android version. However, an Android Authority report confirms that the stable Android 15 update will be available in October 2024. Here’s the complete scoop:
Android 15 on Pixel Devices
According to the report, the search giant is working on improving the stability of Android’s next iteration. The update might arrive in the middle of October, the report adds. This is a fair assumption, given that the stable versions of Android 13 and 14 were also launched in October 2022 and 2023, respectively.
Interestingly, Google has subtly confirmed this news. According to the report, the company updated the release notes for the Android Beta Exit update. The revised notes advise users awaiting the Android 15 stable update to “ignore [the downgrade] OTA until Android 15 is available in October.”
Android 15 Beta 3 Update Already Available for Pixel 6 and Newer Devices
Google has released the third beta update for Android 15. It is currently available for the following Pixel devices:
- Pixel 6
- Pixel 6 Pro
- Pixel 6a
- Pixel 7
- Pixel 7 Pro
- Pixel 7a
- Pixel 8
- Pixel 8 Pro
- Pixel 8a
- Pixel Fold
- Pixel Tablet
Android 15 will update the passkey user interface (UI). With the improved passkey UI, Google says users only need to complete one step instead of two. Additionally, Google has introduced features like Private Space, allowing users to lock specific apps behind extra authentication.
Android 15 will also prevent force-closed apps from reopening until manually relaunched. The update also includes predictive back animations and support for various memory page sizes.
The post Google Set to Launch Android 15 For Pixel Devices This October: Report appeared first on MySmartPrice.