WhatsApp’s latest beta update for Android has introduced the ability to set themed chat icons. There’s also an update for iOS, which includes GIF captions. Read on to learn more about these latest WhatsApp Beta features.
WhatsApp is Testing Themed Chat Icons
As per the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update, WhatsApp will soon replace the neutral grey colour icons for groups and contacts (without DPs) with vibrant coloured icons. The new feature seems inspired by the stock Android contact book interface.
While users won’t be able to customise them, the coloured icons will make it easier for them to identify picture-less conversations.
Currently, it’s hard to distinguish between such chats due to the identical icons in the chat inbox. With the new coloured icons, users can visually distinguish between contacts with identical names or lack a photo. The app will also assign distinct coloured-themed icons to groups, making recognising them easier without opening each group chat individually.
GIF Captions for iOS in the Works
WhatsApp’s beta for iOS update includes GIF captions. This new feature will allow users to add more context to a GIF before sending it. Users will be able to use the default media tray to pick a GIF.
However, they can long-press the desired GIF to add a caption. There will be an option to edit GIFs, with the ability to trim the duration and add them to favourites.
These features are currently available to a small set of beta testers and will be rolling out to more users in the coming days.
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